![PDPM Logo Image](pdpm_logo.png)
Ever felt this way?
- "I am working so hard, I don't know where all my time goes."
- "I plan my day meticulously. Yet, at the end of the day, I feel I have not used my time effectively."
- "I want to keep track of my time, but I do not want to spend any more time to track!"
- "I wish someone kept track without bothering me while I go about my work."
Then PDPM is for you.
- An automated time tracking and productivity measurement tool for PC/Laptop
- Provides daily time usage reports
- Non-intrusive: runs in the background logging usage statistics and prepares a report at the end of the day.
- Archives the older reports
- Report is exhaustive - See Sample Report
- Report Format is HTML, which means it can be viewed in any browser and no special GUI to get used to
- Configurable: add custom applications to track
- Free to use (PDPM is opensource, licensed under GPL)